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Vestir la Silla Desnuda (Dressing the Naked Chair) is a project curated by Silvia Garcia with the participation of the fashion design studios Bastida for Work, Bet Callieri, Camisas Manolo, Gabriel for Sach, Georgiela Studio, Rosa Tharrats and Rubearth.Each of them has created an exclusive ‘costume’ to decorate the iconic Naked Chair created 50 years ago by the designer Carles Riart, who conceived it with this in mind: "One day, watching television - then in black and white - I saw an advertisement for shirts that were promoted and sold as ‘the shirts in the silver box’ and then I thought that what I had to make was a naked object that people could then adorn as they pleased. Perhaps this would be the most significant feature of the Naked Chair: making the creative act a participatory process." - Carles Riart